FCA Canada

Committee Leaders

Current Standing Committees + Committee Chairs

Current standing committees and their main purpose are listed below. For more detailed information on any of these committees, including specific tasks, etc., please contact the FCA office.
a. FCA Plus Committee: To assist the FCA in the effective implementation of an extended health care benefits plan.
b. Group RRSP Committee: To assist the FCA in the effective implementation of a retirement savings plan.
c. Heritage Committee: To publicly honour FCA members who have faithfully ministered for the sake of the gospel for many years.
d. Convention Bursaries Committee: To provide financial assistance to attend the annual FCA Convention to FCA members and others who otherwise could not attend.
e. Convention Planning Committee: To plan and execute a yearly Convention for members. This committee is composed of the following teams:
i. Convention Administration Team: This team develops the big picture of Convention in harmony with the FCA Mission and establishes annual themes. It also facilitates the standard administration needs and appoints the annual Convention Planning Team.
ii. Convention Planning Team: This team is an annual group that serves as a local host team. They report to the Administration Team, contribute to vision implementation, and facilitate spiritual leadership.
f. Missions Committee: To ensure the global and parachurch elements of the FCA thrive in their respective ministries.


FCA PlusGene Enns
Group RRSPJim Reimer
Heritage – John Lucas III
Convention Bursaries –  Jim Reimer
Convention PlanningTrevor Hoskins
MissionsBeverly Fawcett